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In this page you will find a large selection of photos of the battleship Bismarck during her whole career, including construction, sea trials, Atlantic sortie, and more. All photos are displayed in chronological order. Click on the images below to enlarge them.

The Construction of the Bismarck.

The Launching of the Bismarck

Bismarck in Dry Dock

Sea Trials.

battleship Bismarck leaving the Blohm & Voss shipyard, Hamburg

Bismarck in the Kiel Canal

Bismarck anchored in Kiel

Adolf Hitler Inspecting the Bismarck

Operation Rheinübung.

The Bismarck in Norway.

Bismarck in the Grimstadfjord, Bergen, Norway

The Battle of the Denmark Strait.

Captain Helmuth Brinkmann

Bismarck in battle opens fire

HMS Victorious Swordfish

Bismarck's final battle and sinking.

Sinking of the Bismarck

Sinking of Destroyer Mashona

Other Photos.

The Grimstadfjord, Bergen, Norway Battleship Rodney

Battleship King George V 18 inch MK XII torpedo

Spanish Heavy Cruiser Canarias

Prinz Eugen Collision

Scharnhorst Torpedo Damage Launching of Aircraft Carrier Graf Zeppelin

Courageous Sinking Glowworm under fire Hipper Mountain Troops

Bismarck Baseline
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Kriegsmarine am Feind